I wake up. I get the kids off to school. I do my morning chores. I read the news. I tidy up my house. I look at my emails. I think about work. I start to let the stress of work affect my mood. My thoughts start to shape my day. My thoughts begin to shape my perception of myself. I act from that perception – it becomes my baseline. I’m off and running, and I have forgotten.
I have forgotten who I am. I have forgotten what’s important. I have forgotten why I’m here. I have forgotten to be calm in my body, when there is no reason to be afraid.
But then I remember. I remember to breathe. I remember to close my eyes. I remember where I come from. I feel the spark of energy in the center of who I am. If I let it, it emanates from me, and radiates freely from me. This light fills my home, my community, and expands outward, forever, for I am vast and limitless. So are you.
This light is always present. It’s always there for me to remember. It’s there for you to remember. I allow my thinking to change, to soften. I remember that I am made of stars. I remember that I am loved. I remember to bring this love and light to waking up, getting the kids off to school, doing my morning chores, and reading the news.
I fit. I belong. It’s all right in front of us. All of it. The dark, the light, every experience you can possibly imagine. No matter the weather of the moment, the light is ever present.
Remember to remember.